Friday, January 20, 2012

How'd you do that???

Crafty model extraordinaire.
I hear that quite a bit when people come to my house.  I have an...interesting...home to say the least.  My mother has said that my personality threw up all over my walls but I like to see it as more of a light dry heave.  All that aside, with the constant yet subtle pressure of friends and family, I have decided to share some how-to info on the more interesting projects we've done.  Joined, as always, by my crafty companion "Serene Clean Sapience."

Anyway...this is our latest project.


You'll need the following
of the bright colored breed.
paper towels

The nitty gritty.

Gather all your supplies and find a nice area on which you can spread out (we used the dining room table with two leaves). Clean the soles of the chosen shoes. While they dry, get your paint in a relatively thin layer on a large plate, mix with a little water to thin out the paint just a bit.

Once the shoes are dry, paint the soles and stamp them on a sheet of your chosen paper. (It's a good idea to test this on a separate sheet of paper before committing.) Choose any pattern you want and simply repeat the stamping process until you are satisfied.

We removed everything from our frames and tossed it in the recycle bin (so relax). Once our paintings were dry we flipped the frame and taped the finished pieces to the frames. Done!
Old, unused frames

Here is our finished product, complete with a mischievous boy!

I hope you try this, and have fun doing it. It's a great way to "immortalize" baby shoes that cost too much and don't last as long.

By the way, we made four and plan on hanging two high up on the wall and two on the ceiling. =]

<3 DidSheReallySayThat

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