1. Vauldeville performers.
Select at least two, but as many as five, well known vaudeville performers. You can find a detailed list of the well known vaudevillians at these websites.
Famous Vaudeville Performers A-K
Famous Vaudeville Performers L-Z
Once you have chosen your subjects, research their vaudeville careers and write one paragraph about each person you chose. You may include a photo of each performer, should you so choose.
2. Vaudeville performances
You have briefly read about the acts performed during a vaudeville performance. Now, read about them more in depth, discover what a typical vaudeville show would include. Then, you are to describe a vaudeville show in at least one paragraph. Be creative here, you can pretend that you are in the audience! You may include a photo of a theatre, a vaudeville advertisement, an actual performance.
3. Artistic project
You now have all the information you need. Your final stage of this project is to create a vaudeville performance. You have complete creative freedom here, kind of. If you want to use your theatre box, or if you want to draw the stage yourself, the choice is yours. You must meet the following requirements.
- You must have a stage.
- The performers on stage must be those about whom you wrote.
- The performers must be shown performing whatever feat for which they were known.
This does not have to be drawn on a piece of paper and colored with crayons, as a matter of fact, YOU CAN'T DO THAT! Be creative, make it interesting!
Include the following, should you choose
Movable parts - attach your performers to straws or strings so that you can act out the performance.
A side stage stand - these were used to tell the audience who was performing and what they were doing.
Actual photographs - there is nothing wrong with printing and cutting out a picture of your chosen performer, as long as that picture shows them doing their vaudeville performance. (Can't find a proper picture? Cut out their head and paste it to a hand made body doing their performance.)
You have two weeks to complete your assignment. Your timing should go as follows.
Week One
- Select and research your performers.
- Write your paragraphs about your selected performers
- Research the actual vaudeville performances
- Write your paragraphs about the performances
- Plan your artistic recreation
- Gather all materials needed
- Create your vaudeville performance
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